Droitwich Arts Network
Droitwich Arts Network - For anyone interested in the arts including visual arts, performing arts, photography, media, written or spoken word, music, and crafts.
Droitwich Arts Network (DAN) is a 'not for profit' organisation that advocates and champions all forms of art in the Droitwich area. This includes visual arts, performing arts, photography, media, written, music and crafts.
The network provides opportunities for artists to display or perform their work, and for the public to participate in various projects and events. Members are drawn from a wide area including Redditch, Birmingham, Bromsgrove, and Worcester.
DAN provides opportunities to share ideas, to be involved in Droitwich Spa events, festivals, various projects and activities. We also provide opportunities for artists to exhibit, present, and perform. Members are entitled to their own page on our website, can interact via our Facebook group, and receive a regular Newsletter.
The Hub has re-opened in St Andrews Square, Droitwich, giving our members an excellent opportunity to exhibit their work. Members also display their work in Park’s Café, the Button Tree café, Corbett Medical Centre, and Droitwich Library. DAN has managed projects such as the restoration of the Town Ceramic Mural. We meet monthly. Attendance is not mandatory, but it is great to meet and have a chat with fellow artists. Some meetings are held online via Zoom.
Website: www.droitwichartsnetwork.org
Facebook Group (anyone can post): www.facebook.com/groups/droitwichartsnetwork
For display of artwork, discussions, etc Facebook Page (only Admins can post): www.facebook.com/droitwicharts
For major announcements, promotion of events, etc Instagram: www.instagram.com/droitwich_artsnetwork
Contact us on email: info@droitwichartsnetwork.org or via the Contact Us form on the website.